Wednesday 29 December 2010

2011 - my photography project

My attempts at keeping diaries and journals over the years have never been successful, enthusiasm at first and then, well, it falls by the wayside. This is my first attempt at a blog and I have set myself the challenge of trying to keep it going for a full year. To update it at least once a week. [We shall see.] I apologize in advance if you become a follower only to find it all stalls. I have promised myself that if I manage both the challenge and the technology, I shall get round to sorting out a website in the future.

 I have always been interested in art and photography as a hobby, though like most people, it has generally been when on holiday. However, due to friends nice comments, I have purposely  got myself out and about and joined a camera club in the last couple of years to improve my efforts. All I ask of anyone reading this blog is that they respect my rights, and whether they think these efforts are good or bad, you recognize that I have copyright of any photo's I publish. Who knows, if you really like them, I am sure we could negotiate a proper printed copy for you.

Don't expect anything too exciting. I won't be traveling to exotic locations, and I am particularly fond of my friends dogs, however, if you bear with me I hope there will be one or two good pictures you can enjoy. I will try to remember to put in a description [or at least the title] of the location.

To start off I am going to add 3 photographs from past times.

This is a photo of Ted. A friends dog. She is posing among the long grass on the downs. Probably eyeing up a seagull which she loved chasing - yes they do appear around here, inland.

This is a photo taken in Leonardslee Gardens in West Sussex. Regretfully it closed to the public during 2010 which is a real shame and a loss. The gardens were wonderful and it had a brilliant dolls house display [yes you did read that right] as well as old cars, sculptures and a tea room with home bakes wares!!

This my friend Pip. A working  [or field] cocker spaniel. The most optimistic creature I have ever come across [human or otherwise]. She is wonderful and my ultimate photographic aim is to get a picture of her running toward the camera, full tilt, ears flapping and sharply in focus. Regretfully, so far, I go from fuzzy to not quite. 

Watch this space!!

So we have the beginning. An incentive for me to get up early and catch the light as they keep stressing in the photography books. I look forward to January the first and the start of this very personal challenge. Hope you can join me.