Tuesday 10 May 2011

Photography Tips

If I find some photography tips I find really useful I will post it here.

Panorama's without the camera function or the software.

If you don't want to stitch several photographs together in camera or with PC software and your camera does not have an actual panoramic option here is an idea I have found useful. I can't claim it to be my own, having read it in one of my many photography books, however it makes it easier to take a panoramic style photograph.

Try looking on your camera for the aspect ratio's. You usually have 4:3, 3:2, 16:9 and 1:1. If you choose 16:9, this changes the camera's view from the usual 4:3 to a 16:9 layout. A bit like changing from an old style TV screen to widescreen. When you look through your viewfinder you get a more useful letter box style picture frame, not as long and thin as a typical panoramic, however I find it is the next best thing. It is easier to 'see' the photo you want through the viewfinder and if you do need to crop when you get it onscreen at home, it is usually just a bit along the top and the bottom. Try it.

Stop people blinking in your group photos

When you take a picture of more than one person there is always the problem of one [or more] of your subjects becoming distracted or blinking at the point where you press the shutter button. A tip I picked up and have used when taking a friends wedding photos is that you set up your camera ready to go, ready the group as much as possible, check your camera viewfinder quickly one last time, then get everyone in the groups attention. Ask them to close their eyes [they are usually looking at you at this point], then you ask them to open their eyes on the count of three. Once you have spoken the magic number click your shutter. Job done.

The aim here is that, as everyone has their eyes closed and opens them as you say 3, there is no chance for a blink to get in the way and spoil the photo. It does work too!!


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