Friday 7 January 2011

Happy New Year

Well here goes. The first post of my blog for 2011.

As I write this page, the rain is pouring down outside, so I am pleased I managed to get out yesterday to take a few photos. The plan is that the first few postings of this blog will be about my local area and then [hopefully] I will be able to branch out further and further. [Please remember that I retain the copyright to all my photos. Just in case I do manage to take that money shot!!]

So, here we are in Sussex.

This is the place where I am lucky enough to live.

A wonderful spot, and the only reason I am privileged enough to be here, is that I share it with a couple of friends, one of whom works for the estate owner. With the kind permission of local land owners, we can walk out of the door, across the field, through a small wood and up on to the downs. Immediate access to a place of natural beauty [no car required and no parking headaches]. All of it within the new National Park. Should I ever win the lottery, a little place like this will be at the top of my shopping list.

This view of the Sussex countryside is about 50 yards up the hill from our front door.

So is this one.

This one is a bit closer. I estimate the vineyard is only 10 yards from our front gate.
We help pick the harvest in October, and before anyone gets any ideas of slow paced, pleasant work in the sun, it is, I promise you, tiring and back breaking work. [The very first harvest was in the pouring rain.] But I am sure I will report more on the subject of the vineyard harvest later in the year.
For information purposes however, I will add that the grapes from here, travel a fairly short distance, to the famous Ridgeview Winery. Have a look at their website to see how they consistently beat very famous French opposition. We recommend you try some, but then, we are of course, a little biased.
 This particular area has a lot of vineyards and another Vineyard and Winery just a few miles from this spot is Breaky Bottom. They also do a very special Sparkling Wine you should try. [If you are into that sort of thing.]

Sussex scenery and free wine tips, was this what you expected when you clicked your mouse on this link?

Hope you can join me next week. In the meantime, take care.

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