Friday 18 March 2011

Lewes Camera Club - What is in store for new season September 2011

The AGM for our club season was held on Monday 14th March 2011. This was the final meeting and we were in buoyant mood after what was a good day for us at Hailsham and the Sussex Federation Print Competition [see last weeks posting]. It seems we only just missed out on the trophy for the most improved club too!

I managed to come 5th this year in the league print competition. My score was 111 out of a possible 120 which doesn't seem too shabby. However I have a sneaking suspicion that I also achieved the same score last season but came 11th. Next year I will be able to refer to this posting to see it I have improved!

We now have the summer months to get the vital photo's for next seasons campaign. As always there is a Natural History Competition so I will be on the look out for a suitable wildlife photo. This year I have given myself the challenge of finding the proper name of the subject of my photo, including the latin version, as I would have to do this in a professional competition such as the Royal Photographic Society.

There are the normal two open competitions where you can please yourself as to the subject of the photograph.

The second competition of next season has the title 'Red'.  My mind has already been working on this looking for possible scenarios. Should I try a black and white of say flowers with one red flower showing, or a lighthouse with a red band type of thing. How about a shot full of red flowers [I know just the ones that come out around June] or perhaps I should try to stage a photo. The latter being slightly more ambitious if I can think of a great layout. Thinking cap time.

Another competition has the title of 'Movement'. So I guess that will either be a photo with a blur passing through to show something moving, or a sharp shot of something/someone in the middle of a moving act. I never like my attempts at a blur. Maybe I could try panning where the background blurs and the object is sharp.

The final subject is going to be really interesting, LRPS,  as it is linked to one of the talks we will be having on gaining accreditation with the Royal Photographic Society. This will involve us having our version of a very small panel [2 photos rather than 10/15/20] which must somehow be related. It is one of those that I will think about over the summer, trying to anticipate the requirements, however I will need to stay flexible until we have the talk. Though the Royal Photographic Society does have it's own hints on it's website.

As a very small camera club, Lewes is always looking for new members. If you want to join and need further information; our new website is up and running' so please follow the attached link. Lewes Camera Club. Alternatively, if one of the talks we have lined up catches your fancy why not contact us. If you use the club email address they can let you know if there are still seats available and the cost. Don't delay. Go on, give it a go. We get wonderful presenters.

03/10/2011 - Beyond the Basics Photoshop Workshop by Gavin Hoey
10/10/2011 - Natural History Photography/Presentation/Advice by Chris Coates DPAGB
24/10/2011 - Travels with a Camera by Clive Dickson
07/11/2011 - How to take Portraits Without a Studio by James Barry
21/11/2011 - Advice on how to Attain LRPS and beyond by Walter Benzie ARPS
16/01/2012 - Wedding Photography A Professional Approach by Tony Hollman
06/02/2012 - Ballooning in the land of the Thunder Dragon by David Billing
05/03/2012 - Creative Workshop by Jack Casement ARPS

Finally - Tomorrow I will depart for a week, trying to find some photographs for the competitions that the other members won't have, that the judges haven't seen too many times before, that hopefully are a little bit different, and with such great composition and sharpness they can't fail to get me that elusive 20. [I can dream.]

And.......... if all goes well I will be posting the successful photos on future blogs after the competitions take place.

So, another week about photography without any actual photographs. What am I thinking?

Next weeks blog will be late as I won't be back till a week tomorrow. 
I may [or may not] let you know how successful the week has been and if I have a possible 20 score in the bag.

Oh,  for such confidence.

I will post the promised pictures of Newhaven from the other side of the river.

Think positive thoughts until then.........................................................

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