Thursday 31 March 2011

Promised Newhaven Photos

Before I went off on holiday last week I promised that I would post the photo's showing the other side of Newhaven when I got back, so here they are.

This is looking down the beach towards Seaford. You can just make out the white cliffs which start at the end of Seaford Beach in the far distance. Walking over those will take you to Cuckmere. As you can see, like Brighton, it is a pebble beach. One reason why the loss of the other beach mentioned in the last Newhaven posting was such a blow to the locals. As usual big business thinks it has the answers and really, they know nothing about what the ordinary person wants or needs. Are they really trying to bring in tourists you have to ask?

You will pass this lighthouse as you come in on the ferry. The area in front [sea harbour area] often has para surfers when there is a decent breeze.

The area behind the beach where dog walkers, cyclists and other healthy people can stride out. A word of caution however. The pebbles spill out from the beach all over the track and can making the going pretty tough, not to mention a little painful on doggy feet. To the left of this picture is a walk which avoids those pitfalls but can be rather muddy instead. [Never satisfied.]

One of those other walks - did I say it got a bit muddy!!

One of the Tidemill info boards. They give you amazing pieces of history. Shipwrecks and sailplanes included. Has your appetite been whetted yet?

Another info board.
On the day I went it was wet and freezing, however in the hot summer these walks are lovely with the sea air cooling you down. Go on, try it this summer.

Finally, one of the sculptures from one of the recently renovated areas near the marina. About 30 feet away from this is a public car park which is the end of this particular road, and a shop selling fresh fish from the local catches. 
[Lets all try and buy local.]

and that's it for this blog as technically, I have another to do for this week. Hard work keeping up.

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